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The benefits of migrating virtual airlines to a SaaS solution

The benefits of migrating virtual airlines to a SaaS solution

Published on 30/10/2023 at 10:50

In the world of virtual aviation, where enthusiasts come together to simulate real-world flying experiences, the use of virtual airlines is a common practice. These virtual airlines bring together like-minded individuals who share a passion for aviation, offering them a platform to engage in a range of flight operations.

Over time, as these virtual airlines grow and evolve, there comes a point when they must consider the migration to a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution like FlyZold. This shift to SaaS can provide a multitude of advantages and benefits, making the management of virtual airlines more efficient and streamlined.

What is a virtual airline ?

Before diving into the reasons behind migrating to a SaaS solution, it's essential to understand what a virtual airline is. A virtual airline is an online community or organization that simulates real-world airline operations in a digital environment.

These organizations often have their own websites, booking systems, and community forums where members can come together to plan and execute virtual flights. Members of virtual airlines typically use flight simulation software to replicate the experience of flying an aircraft, following real-world routes and procedures.

The challenges of managing virtual airlines

As virtual airlines expand and gain more members, they encounter a variety of challenges when it comes to managing their operations.

The first challenge encountered is the administrative overhead. In fact, handling member applications, tracking flight hours, and managing routes and schedules can become overwhelming as the virtual airline grows.

The second challenge is the hosting and the websites infrastructure, where maintaining servers and IT infrastructure for website hosting and flight tracking can be a costly and resource-intensive task.

The third point is the data security, while protecting sensitive member data, such as personal information and flight logs, is paramount.

The final important challenge is the scalability, the way virtual airlines should prepare for growth and accommodating new members and routes, which requires significant effort and investment.

The advantages of migrating to a SaaS solution

Migrating to a SaaS solution like FlyZold can help virtual airlines overcome these challenges and provide several advantages.

The first advantage provided by SaaS solutions is the reduced administrative burden, because SaaS solutions often come with built-in management tools and features that simplify administrative tasks. Membership management, flight tracking, and event scheduling become more efficient.

The second advantage is the cost-effective hosting, where SaaS providers handle the technical infrastructure and hosting, eliminating the need for virtual airlines to maintain their servers and systems. This leads to cost savings.

Another benefit of SaaS solutions is the data security and compliance, SaaS providers typically have robust security measures in place, ensuring that sensitive member data is protected. Many SaaS solutions are designed with data protection regulations in mind.

The fourth advantage is the scalability, SaaS solutions are highly scalable, allowing virtual airlines to expand easily. New features and functionalities can be added as needed, making it adaptable to growth.

The accessibility is also a great benefit with SaaS solutions, where members can access the platform from anywhere with an internet connection. This enhances the user experience and flexibility.

Finally, the best advantage of SaaS solutions is the continuous updates and support, SaaS providers regularly update their software to ensure it remains up to date with the latest industry standards and trends. Additionally, they provide customer support to address any issues or questions and eventually new features requests.

The migration process

Migrating to a SaaS solution involves several key steps:

  1. Determine the specific needs of your virtual airline and identify SaaS providers that offer the features and tools you require.
  2. Ensure a smooth transition by migrating existing member data, flight logs, and other critical information to the new platform.
  3. Provide training for your team and members to ensure they can make the most of the SaaS solution's capabilities.
  4. Thoroughly test the new system to identify and address any issues or bugs.
  5. Roll out the SaaS solution to your members, and gradually phase out the old systems.
  6. Continue to provide support and training to ensure a successful transition.


Migrating virtual airlines to a SaaS solution like FlyZold can provide numerous benefits, streamlining operations, reducing costs, and improving the overall experience for members. It's a strategic move that not only helps virtual airlines overcome the challenges of growth but also positions them for future success and expansion in the world of virtual aviation. By embracing SaaS, virtual airlines can continue to soar to new heights while providing an enriched experience for their members.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

In order to provide an answer to the most frequently asked questions, we keep this section up to date which will probably be able to provide you with information if you wish to obtain information on our solution.

What is FlyZold ?

FlyZold is a virtual airline management system that allows virtual airlines to manage simply and efficiently their content through our simple and unique interface.

We believe that our solution will bring new impetus to flight simulation, more particularly by bringing a touch of modernity to the existing system by offering even more advanced technologies and by offering an even more advanced interface that can adapt to the majority of virtual airlines.

A virtual airline simulates the operations of a real airline or has been invented from scratch and offers virtual pilots, after registration, the possibility to make regular flights between different destinations, helicopter flights, or cargo flights.

Generally, the flight performed is recorded either automatically by a software called "flight tracker" (our solution uses for example the smartCARS software) during the flight, or after the flight directly on the FlyZold interface of the virtual airline where virtual pilots publishes a manual flight report.

The flight report is called a "PIREP". It includes information related to the aircraft used, the departure and arrival airports, the altitude, the flight time and more generally all the events that occurred during the flight.

Each PIREP is then saved by our system and can be found in the virtual pilot's logbook, where each PIREP can be consulted to find all the information related to it presented in the form of graphs, maps or dashboards.

A virtual airline management system is a web application that makes it simple and easy to manage the various contents of a virtual airline.

The functionalities of a virtual airline management system are numerous. Among other things, it allows several people to work on different pages or blog articles or even to structure the content of a virtual airline (FAQ, articles, blog), to prioritize users and assign them permissions.

FlyZold is a virtual airline management system allowing administrators of virtual airlines to manage all of their content (airports, aircraft, schedules, PIREPs, users) efficiently and fluidly, through a modern and elegant interface.

To create your own virtual airline, you need to follow certain rules, depending on the airline you represent.

In the case of a fictitious airline, you need to make sure that it doesn't exist, and that you have all the copyright you need to create it (including names, logos, etc...). In the case of a real airline, you must first obtain all the necessary authorizations from the real airline you want to represent in order to represent it virtually.

Once you have all the necessary authorizations, all you have to do is create your first airports, aircraft, grades and schedules in our virtual airline management system by clicking on the "Subscribe now" button in the main navigation menu.